The blogging resolution. Keep. On. Going. { Austin Baby Photographer }

I am coming to terms with how tough it is to blog each day like I had hoped I would be able to do by now. I give major kudos to all of my friends and photogs that can keep up with it so often! HOW do you all do it? I am still trying, but each day the sun sets and I have gone another busy day without blogging. I could come up with a gazillion excuses, like my asthmatic Son who has been in and out of Dell, the busy nights of homework, the late hours my Husband works, how absolutely drained I am and then there is the sessions I am working on editing. But then I stop and think to myself...That's all GREAT stuff to be blogging about! Well, not GREAT, but it's STUFF!! Hopefully I can get through this blog breakdown. :)

Speaking of sessions, I spent the last couple of weekends with the most precious babies!
My first weekend back to work was so fun! Coincidentally it was only 6 month old babies all weekend, which just so happens to be one of my favorite ages to photograph. It really gave me the jump start back into shooting that I have been needing. Since being on vacation from Xmas break was SO long, I almost forgot how much I absolutely LOVE what I do.

Here is a couple from one of the sessions the first weekend back.

This is my second session with little E and his family. He came prepared with cute little outfits, his shining personality, and fingers ready to eat. And by the way, doesn't he have the most gorgeous baby blues?

He will be back again for his one year session, and I can't wait to see how much more he has grown.

These babies grow up so fast and is one reason I urge people not to miss out on capturing the little details, and the little personalities and expressions that will all fade and change way too soon. Don't wait till it's too late. Capturing family portraits, the interactions, the love, the kisses and how little hands are next to ours when they are babies, is so important. We forget the details of yesterday. In a blink of an eye, or the snap of a shutter, the moment is gone forever. Don't let those memories grow away!

My favorite below. E, stops to have a little munch on his tiny fingers. I LOVE when they do that! *YUMMY. MELTALICIOUS. BABY.*